

We, Achyutam builders and developers have a team of prime Planners, Architects, Civil Engineers and Valuers undertake the following works in Chennai metropolitan area viz.. CMDA, Greater Chennai Corporation, Municipality, Panchayat union and Town panchayat.

  1. Site suitability study for your proposed building/development as per CMDA rules.
  2. Opinion on land document for CMDA approval with site inspection.
  3. Scheme drawing in Cad ( .dwg ) format.
  4. Architectural drawing for all types of development.
  5. Approval drawing for building, plot and layout.
  6. Online submission of application for building plan, plot and layout.
  7. Regularization of plan preparation for building, plot & layout.
  8. Demolition plan drawing.
  9. Interior design for any type of development by Architect.
  10. Sets of drawing, documents for reclassification purpose.
  11. Preparation of sets of drawing, format and documents for completion certificate purpose.
  12. Monitoring your construction to guide any type of building to obtain completion certificate.
  13. Land and building valuation as per your requirement by qualified valuer.
  14. General cad drawing of any existing building for documentation purpose.
  15. General clarification & doubts on land & building with reference to CMDA rules.

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